Contact phone

+382 20 482 423

Mail address

[email protected]

Cross border services

After the accession of Montenegro to the European Union, cross-border provision of services will be enabled for service providers with business domiciles in other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Free access to the provision of services means the absence of the obligation to register and obtain a sectoral license for an activity and a regulated profession in Montenegro if it is a business on a temporary and occasional basis. The same freedom will apply to service providers from Montenegro in the European Economic Area.

It will only be sufficient to submit a statement on cross-border provision through the PSC or directly through the competent authority for a specific activity and profession. However, it is necessary for the service provider to fulfill the obligation to submit a report to the Tax Administration. However, the person will still have to report to the Tax Administration.

In addition, it is necessary to observe the rules related to seconded workers, i.e. sending workers abroad.

Competent authorities and regulations

Ministry of Economic Development

Rimski trg 46, Podgorica

+382 20 482 423

[email protected]

Services Directive

Law on Services